The Horse Race Approach to Succession Planning

The Horse Race Approach to Succession Planning

horse race

Horse racing is one of the oldest sports, and its basic concept has remained virtually unchanged over centuries. While it has grown from a primitive contest of speed or stamina to a massive public-entertainment business with sophisticated electronic monitoring equipment and huge prize money, the sport’s ultimate goal remains the same: The first horse to cross the finish line is the winner. While the sport’s storied traditions, ceremonial pageantry and love of the horses themselves continue to draw millions of fans, growing awareness of animal welfare concerns has brought new scrutiny to horse racing.

In addition to the health risks posed by racing’s unnatural training and confinement of young horses, the industry is also facing increasing criticism for abusive training practices, drug abuse and the transportation of countless American racehorses to foreign slaughterhouses. The result is an industry that is increasingly losing fans, money and race days.

Similarly, some executives and governance observers are uncomfortable with the “horse race” approach to succession planning — overt competition among several recognized candidates for the chief executive role within an established time frame. Yet those who embrace the strategy say it has a number of important benefits. Most importantly, it signals the board’s confidence in the management team’s talent identification and development processes. It’s also a clear signal to people throughout the company that they can move up in leadership roles with hard work and perseverance.

The success of the horse race depends on the ability to select the right leaders, and it’s important to consider the culture and organizational structure of an organization before implementing it. For example, if an overt competition for the CEO role is counterproductive to collaborative decision-making and resource sharing, it may not be worth the investment. In addition, it’s important to make sure the current CEO and board have a good understanding of the capabilities of the candidates before choosing one over another.

While there are many different ways to run a horse race, there are some essential rules that must be followed to ensure the safety of participants and fair play for all. In general, a horse race is a contest of two or more horses over an agreed-upon course. A horse must be ridden by a jockey and be guided to take the course correctly. The race must be completed in a safe manner, including jumping any hurdles that are present. Generally, the winner will be determined by the first to cross the finish line. The race can be a sprint or a long distance race, depending on the rules of the particular event. The horse race is a great way to celebrate national pride and heritage, such as at the Melbourne Cup, which is often referred to as “the race that stops the nation.” It’s also a popular diversion for people looking for a chance to spend some time outdoors and enjoy the spectacle of the beautiful animals. It’s also a great way to have fun!